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UPDATE 18/03/2020: Due to Gov advise we do not think it prudent to hold a meeting.

Councillor Sue Billows writes:

To manage a sustainable and reliable support service The Parish Council needs to work with other community groups. So firstly we need to engage with a village group who are prepared to lead a support network.. To clarify the group needs to be an organization with a recognized presence, management team and terms of reference.

The good news is the Parish Council would be able to offer financial & project support to a group that met the above criteria. The Parish Council will be able to make representations on behalf of the village for grants or hardship funds that may become available.

I won't bore you with all the small print that makes this so, we have more important things to think about than discuss The Localism Act 2011 or KPC Financial Regulations.

What we need is a Community group to say; yes we will lead and the Parish Council will give it support.

I am grateful to the individuals who have offered help, and also my thanks to Beth for offering to help with the Scouts and Cubs to distribute leaflets, etc.

I very much want to develop a localized Kingsley Support mechanism. These larger groups are doing a great job but if we experience lockdowns and more regulations regarding self-isolation Kingsley will need to be self-sufficient. I will give all the support I can and am to help and happy to do some running around and whatever needed ( lol not Dog walking I am a Cat lady )

Simon is working on some clever software to form a mailing list for volunteers which he will publish soon. If there is someone out there that is an officer in one of our many groups who feel they can help and lead for us please call me..07710681031

We have the Community lets now find the Spirit.

Thank You


Image may contain: possible text that says 'Help Us Help You!'

Parish Councillors Judith Critchley, Jayne Black & myself Sue Billows will be at the Care UK shop (old Co-op) on Friday afternoon at 2 pm 20th March.
Sadly Coronavirus is not something we can ignore, its here and will change the way we all live in the next few months . Not scaremongering we are trying to be proactive

We would like to invite any representatives from local community groups to join us for a chat .
Our objective is to formulate a plan to assist the elderly and infirmed during these troubled times.
We would like to organise a list of volunteers and skill sets to be able to co ordinate assistance with shopping, perhaps a phone call service to check up or even just chat to anyone isolated.
We will probably also need to do a leaflet drop to advise people what we are doing .
If you feel you can help or have any suggestions that will help us care for our Kingsley Residents please join us or message me.
We hope you all stay safe and well during these troubled times.
I also want to thank Sarah for letting us use the Care shop as a place to show Kingsley Cares