Category: Intelligence Bulletin
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Message sent by Andy Wedgwood (Police, Sergeant, Western Rural)

News Bulletin 

Western Rural Round-up-           Week ending       31/5/2015  
NPT Frodsham - Voicemail. 0845-458-6393
NPT Dragon Hall - Voicemail. 0845-458-6377
NPT Mickle Trafford – Voicemail. 0845-458-6394

Please note that the local police station 0845 telephone numbers are not staffed 24 hours a day and that there may be some delay in responding to any messages left. 

  1. Last weekend, a works van in Helsby was broken into overnight and tools were stolen. Although the security on modern vehicles is far better than it used to be, the techniques used by thieves also evolve to keep pace with updated security systems. Police suspect that thieves are either using modern electronic devices to overcome security systems, or else have a specially produced tool for picking locks. Although not particularly ‘hi-tech’, an effective security measure for works vans is often to fit a hasp and padlock, which is a highly visible deterrent and also very difficult to bypass.  
  2. Offenders have tried to break into two other Frodsham town centre businesses last weekend by attacking rear doors. If you are out in Frodsham on a night out and see any suspicious activity, please remember to call the police to report the matter at the time.
  3. Whilst many drivers like to display a private reg plate on their vehicles for a variety of reasons, I would like to point out that these registrations must still be set out in the approved style and format. Altering the spacing or trying to place bolts to change the appearance and meaning of the characters is illegal and distracting for other drivers. Not only can this lead to MOT failure, but it can also result in a fine, and if a repeat ‘offence’ comes to the notice of the DVLA, then they may withdraw the registration completely, with no refund available to the ‘offender’.
  4. Midweek, there were a number of barns and outbuildings broken into overnight in the Aston area, near Frodsham. Petrol powered tools appears to have been the main target for the offenders. Please consider fitting a battery powered ‘shed-alarm’, which can cost from a little as £5, to sheds and barns, even if they are a considerable distance from any address – it is quite probable that an alarm sounding will scare off offenders before they have the opportunity to take anything.
  5. Property was stolen from a house in Churton last week, while the occupier was in the garden, leaving a door open. Please be wary, even in quiet villages, that anyone passing may see that a door has been left open and take the opportunity to sneak in and steal anything that comes to hand. Habits are easy to form, so please make it a habit to always lock your doors, rather than to leave your door open or unlocked.
  6. It is reassuring to see that police are taking a number of reports about suspicious telephone calls from companies requesting remote access to home computers or for personal information from residents. Quite rightly, most people are recognising the suspicious nature of such calls, are refusing to provide the information asked for and are contacting the police about it. Please don’t be embarrassed about telling friends or family who you think may be susceptible to such calls, to put the phone down on suspicious callers.

Inspector Keith Curbishley
Frodsham Police Station
Western Rural Neighbourhood Police Team 

0845 458 6393