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The March meeting of Kingsley Garden Club will take place on Monday 14th at 8 .00 in the Community Centre. The speaker will be Steve Halliwell, his topic: From The Hornbeam to The Pocket Handkerchief Tree. This illustrated talk will be a celebration of trees, looking at them in their natural habitat together with the things that make a woodland a woodland, like the succession of different flowers.

March is a busy month in the garden, with lots to do in preparation for a productive and colourful summer:-

Finish pruning roses

Later in the month prune buddlejas and hydrangeas

Split large clumps of snowdrops and divide large plants of perennials such as astrantia, phlox and grasses.

Plant onion sets, shallots, broad beans and early potatoes if the ground is not too cold and wet.

Places to visit this month:-

The Lovell Quinta Arboretum…spring bulbs in the woodland

Stoneyford Cottage Garden and Nursery

There are 2 Plant Hunters Fairs , Ness Botanic Garden on March 20th and Arley Hall and Gardens on 27th.

We look forward to seeing members and friends on the 14th.